Monday, February 24, 2014

Tree bruiser evniornment

For color keys, textures and overall concept. 

Shut up and leave your comments.


  1. Duuuuuude, this is awesome!! Yeah, I'm excited to see where this is going! Although I have no idea what they are looking for, the only thoughts that I have is that it feels too organized for a boss environment? That might just be me tho. Eitherway, its a good painting!

  2. I would go there. But I agree with Abigail. It seems like a nice place to take a nap rather than fight a boss. But its a very good concept. I will have Henry and Calvin look at this tonight with some more direction. It looks awesome!

  3. Noo worries. This is just a basic concept for the modelers and texture painting. We can always add more to it. I just didn't want too many props blocking the original layout.

  4. This is looking great! I'll be sure to get you some detailed feedback later this week.
